£8.5 million scheme for 49 Retirement Living Apartments & 17 houses on the former Shirley Dairy Crest site by McCarthy & Stone
Located off Anglesea Road in Southampton, the site of the former Dairy Crest milk product manufacturer comprised a large commercial property adjacent to residential properties used as staff accommodation. McCarthy & Stone approached KSA in 2015 to assist them in developing the site to provide a retirement living scheme alongside housing which included new accommodation for the former tenant employees of the existing dwellings. Following changes made by the Government to cap service charges imposed on owners of flatted developments, a reassessment of the Retirement Living scheme was required to ensure viability.
The locally supported and approved planning scheme provides 17 no. houses including four bungalows for the relocated residents and 1 no. disabled person’s unit. The 49 unit retirement living scheme consists of 25 no. one bed units and 24 no. two bed units with associated facilities such as communal lounge, mobility scooter store, guest suite and communal garden area.
The development rejuvenated a formally disused commercial property and met the needs of the community to provide much needed housing whilst making a positive impact on the aesthetic of the local area.
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